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Hair Transplantation
Also called Hair Grafting or Hair Restoration. By age 45, about 50% of Indian men—and a substantial number of women—are affected by hair loss, much of which is hereditary. Generally the Hair Loss Gene is responsible for hair loss. Weaving, bonding or a wig are temporary measures which do not give a natural appearance. Hair transplant gives a very natural and a aesthetic look.
  • Men with male pattern baldness usually after hair loss has stopped.
  • Females with pattern hair loss or who want to advance ,define or change their hair lines.
  • Also used to restore: eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, and pubic hair
  • To fill in scars caused by accidents or surgery. (diagram of male pattern baldness)
The treatment procedure involves two parts: 1) Hair restoration medications and 2) surgery. Medication is especially helpful in people presenting with early hair loss and also to improve the results of the surgery.
This procedure is painless and safe and it is done under local anaesthesia.
In the surgical technique the individual hair follicles(Follicular Unit) from the back of the head(the donor site) are moved to the bald or balding parts (the recipient site). This donor area contains hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding and are thus preferred for transplantation to the bald scalp.

Since hair naturally grows in follicles that contain groupings of 1 to 4 hairs, today’s most advanced techniques transplant these naturally occurring 1–4 hair "follicular units" in their natural groupings. Thus these modern hair transplantation techniques, which we use, can achieve a natural appearance by mimicking natural hair for hair. This hair transplant procedure is called Micro-follicular Hair Transplantation technique. The Donor hair can be harvested in two very different ways;

1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)- also called Strip Harvesting - a strip of scalp is removed under local anesthesia, the wound is then sutured back together and this piece of scalp tissue is then cut in to small pieces of tissue called grafts which are then transplanted back in to the thinning area of the patients head. This method will leave a linear scar in the donor area, which is covered by the patients own hair (if long). The recovery period is around 2 weeks and will require you to come back for the stitches to be removed by us.

2. Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE Harvesting - individual follicles of hair are removed under local anesthesia; this micro removal uses tiny punches of between 0.6mm and 1.25mm in diameter. Each follicle is then reinserted back in to the scalp in the thinning area using a micro blade. Because in this single follicles are removed and no large amount of tissue is removed there are no visible scars or post-surgery pain, with no stitches to be removed. Recovery from FUE is within 7 days.
Inpatient/Outpatient procedure:
  • It is an outpatient procedure that is the patient can go home the same day.
  • Back to work: Usually 2 to 5 days.
  • More strenuous activities:10 days to 3 weeks.
  • Final look:may be 18 months or more,depending on Procedure .
Duration of results:
  • Permanent.
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